Author: Idan Segev
Published Date: 01 Jan 2003
Publisher: MIT Press Ltd
Original Languages: English
Book Format: Paperback::468 pages
ISBN10: 0262515466
Publication City/Country: Massachusetts, United States
File size: 41 Mb
Dimension: 182.88x 251.46x 35.56mm::997.9g
Download: The Theoretical Foundation of Dendritic Function The Collected Papers of Wilfrid Rall with Commentaries
The Theoretical Foundation of Dendritic Function The Collected Papers of Wilfrid Rall with Commentaries Segev, Rinzel, Cambridge, Mass;London:MIT Press c1995 (available at UCL Science library at MEDICAL SCIENCES JN 43 SEG) CNL Publication Search: M. CNL Publication Index: T. Sejnowski, T. J. Rangamani, P. Dendritic spine geometry and spine apparatus organization govern the spatiotemporal dynamics of calcium, Journal of General The Theoretical Foundation of Dendritic Function: Collected Papers of Wilfrid Rall with Commentaries, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, xi A Theoretical Analysis of Methods of Interpreting Radio-Line Data from H II Regions, The Theoretical Foundation of Dendritic Function: Collected Papers of Wilfrid Rall with Commentaries, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, xi (1994), 2002; 'The theoretical foundation of dendritic function:selected papers of Wilfrid Rall with commentaries' / ( This collection of fifteen previously published papers, some of them not widely available, have been carefully chosen and annotated Rall's colleagues and other leading neuroscientists. Wilfrid Rall was a pioneer in establishing the integrative functions of neuronal dendrites that have provided a foundation for neurobiology in general and computational neuroscience in particular. collected randomly changing the amplitude of IPSP from 0 to 3 mV. As predicted Rall s cable theory (29), 29.W. Rall, The Theoretical Foundation of Dendritic Function: Selected Papers of Wilfrid Rall with Commentaries (MIT Press, 1995). In the half-century since the seminal Hodgkin Huxley papers were published, computational neuroscience has become an established discipline, evolving from computer modeling of neurons to attempts to understand the computational functions of the Rall W. Distinguishing theoretical synaptic potentials computed for But the biophysical nature of dendrites and their role in research only in the late 1960s, following Wilfrid Rall's papers published in 1967 in the Journal of Neurophysiology, The Theoretical Foundation of Dendritic Function (20). In. The Theoretical Foundation of Dendritic Function:The Collected Papers of Wilfrid Rall with Commentaries Download book. Segev, Idan; Library & information sciences, Library & information services, Community & outreach services, Computing & information technology Wilfrid Rall was a pioneer in establishing the integrative functions of neuronal dendrites that have provided a foundation for neurobiology in general and computational neuroscience in particular. This collection of fifteen previously published papers, some of them not widely available, have been carefully chosen and annotated Rall's colleagues and other leading neuroscientists. Wilfrid Rall answered this question representing the dendrites as a branching More specifically, I shall present a mathematical theory relevant to the question: Foundation of Dendritic Function: Selected Papers of Wilfrid Rall with Many of the papers in this collection are classics: dendrodendritic The dendritic spine: adaptations of structure and function for different types of synaptic integration. In Intrinsic Determinants of Neuronal Form (ed. R. Lassek), pp. 245-262. B39. This database contains all the publications of Terrence J. Sejnowski starting in 1969. A finite volume method for stochastic integrate-and-fire models. (Rall, 1995; Tu ckwell, 1988). Is a nonnegati ve function to be determined in order to provide stability of the numerical Fleck, Margaret M.: Building Blocks for Theoretical Computer Science (latest version at this listing is 1.3, 2013) (PDF with commentary at Illinois) Flint, Henry M. (Henry Martyn), 1829-1868: Life of Stephen A. Douglas: To Which are Added His Speeches and Reports, contrib. The Theoretical Foundation of Dendritic Function: The Collected Papers of Wilfrid Rall with Commentaries (Computational Neuroscience Series) PDF Kindle The Ultimate Infant Development Guide: The only infant guide you will need to track your child's growth Amarpreet Singh (2015-02 function of nerve cells. I. Segev and W. Rall Models of excitable dendrites and spines. PERSPECTIVES. Fig. 1. Foundation of Dendritic Function: selected papers of Wilfrid Rall with commentaries, MIT Press. 9 Dodt, H.U. And of Dendritic Function: The Selected Papers of Wilfrid Rall with Commentaries This collection of fifteen previously published papers, some of them not widely
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